About Us

The Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs (MCRA) has the constitutional mandate to develop effective interface between Government, Religious Bodies and Civil Society on matters relating to Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs for the promotion of peace and good governance.  MCRA is also to operate as the primary and apex body to initiate and formulate appropriate policies for the Chieftaincy and Religious sectors of the country.

The Ministry aims to preserve, sustain and integrate the regal, traditional and religious values, norms and practices for national development. Core values that underpin the Ministry’s work include: Sovereignty of Traditional Values, Peaceful Religious and Traditional Co-existence, Cultural diversity, Tolerance and Unity.

Adhering to its vision, mission and core values, MCRA prepared Medium Term Development Plan, 2018 – 2021, in line with the President’s Coordinated Programme Policies which is being operationalized through the National Medium-Term Development Policy Framework (2018 -2021), “Agenda for Jobs”: Creating Prosperity and Equal Opportunity for All, prepared by National Development Planning Commission.

Over the years, a number of interventions have been made to ensure effective interface between Government, Religious Bodies, and Civil Society on matters relating to Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs. The Ministry therefore implemented programs and sub-program such as Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, Traditional Authority Management, Customary Law, Dispute Resolution and Religious Affairs. Notwithstanding, some development issues identified during the sector’s performance review under the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda (GSGDA II), which was implemented over the period 2014-2017, include some chieftaincy disputes unresolved, inability to pass LI on 11 lines of succession to stools and skins, and inadequate involvement of traditional authorities in National Development, Negative cultural practices of traditional authority.

The Ministry's Profile

The Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs comprises the headquarters, the National House of Chiefs, sixteen (16) Regional Houses of Chiefs and Traditional Councils. The Hon. Minister of State, together with the Chief Director are at the apex of the command chain, and they preside over the day to day administration of the Sector. The Ministry has five (5) line directorates, i.e. Finance and Administration (F&A), Policy Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation (PPBME), Human Resource Management and Development (HRMD), Research, Statistics and Information Management (RSIM), and Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs. Specialized units of the Ministry include: Internal Audit, Public Affairs and Communications, as well as Client Service.


A dynamic public service institution facilitating peace and stability in the Chieftaincy and Religious environment.


To develop effective interface between government institutions, religious bodies, traditional authorities and civil society for the promotion of peace and good governance.

Core Values

  • Sovereignty of Traditional Values.
  • Peaceful Religious and Traditional Co-existence.
  • Cultural diversity
  • Tolerance
  •  Unity


The core functions of the Ministry are as follows:

  • Initiate and formulate policies and programmes geared towards the promotion of chieftaincy and religion
  • Undertake development planning in consultation with the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC)
  • Co-ordinate, monitor, evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the Sector policies and programmes,
  • Co-ordinate the activities and programmes of the Houses of Chiefs, Traditional councils and Religious bodies towards the development of the Sector,
  • Undertake the progressive study, interpretation, and codification of customary law with the view to evolving in appropriate cases, a unified system of rules of customary law and compilation of lines of succession applicable to each stool and skin
  • Provide a conducive environment for Religious bodies for peaceful coexistence
  • Preserve, sustain and integrate religious values into the moral fibre of the society

The Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs
(MCRA) is established by Executive Instrument 2017.
The Ministry forms part of the Civil Service of Ghana
established by PNDCL 327, 1993 with specific functions
and roles as provided by law. The Ministry’s objective
in line with legal provisions, its mission and vision
is to have oversight responsibility for the Chieftaincy
and Religious sector for peaceful co-existence,
integration, tolerance and national development.

Sekou Toure Street - Ridge, Accra

Email: info@mcra.gov.gh